Past years

Here are some examples of cool apps from previous years that got good grades. Please note that app requirements and grading may have changed from previous years; a mention here is not an endorsement that their source code is perfect.

  • palFinder lets you easily organize and attend nearby events
  • Fly2Find helps rescue victims of avalanches using drones
  • PolyBazaar is a marketplace for and by EPFL students
  • Favo is an easy way to give and receive favors
  • Run0rD1e is a distributed multi-player game
  • 360 Estate is a virtual reality app for virtual visits of rental apartments
  • Runnest is an app to challenge your friends around the world to 1-on-1 running races with real-time tracking and updates
  • PolyLove is a dating app to help EPFL and UNIL students meet
  • Tutosaurus is an app to help students find tutors on a variety of subjects
  • Blindly is a dating app based on voice rather than pictures